Writing Effective Emails

Melissa Esquibel 
Duration: 60 Minutes
Webinar Id: 22964
Instructor: Melissa Esquibel 

Price Details

Recorded Webinar
$190. One Attendee
$390. Unlimited Attendees

Unlimited Attendees: Any number of participants

Recorded Version: Unlimited viewing for 6 months (Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)


There is a strategy for writing emails that matters. From the subject line to the signature line, every piece of an email can mean the difference between instructions followed or instructions ignored, a sale made or a sales opportunity lost.

Learn the 3 reasons why someone would not open or postpone opening your email message. Discover the format secrets that will have people captivated by your content instead of overwhelmed by overcommunication. In this session, we’ll cover:

  • The importance of the subject line
  • Why the To: and cc: lines can mean as much as your message 
  • What your email signature says about you
  • The least effective phrases to use to motivate action



We’ll also cover the power of leading by example in how you write email messages. This type of leadership doesn’t require a title but is every bit as impactful in helping your organization communicate better.

Why you should Attend:

To quote, the email doctor, Dr. Monica Seeley, how you communicate electronically is your digital dress code. How you write email messages informs the recipient about your professionalism, your expertise, and your level of care. What do your email messages say about you?

It can be very frustrating to answer the same questions over and over when you’ve sent the information out via email already. You might be tempted to ask, "Did you read my email?" Before you do, take the opportunity to have another look at the email you sent. Take the opportunity to read them from the point of view of the recipient. That simple exercise might have you rethinking how you communicate in this medium. Does it have the most important information upfront? Was the subject line crystal clear? Was the entire email, brief and well organized? Was the language easy to understand?

Answering all these questions, "Yes, absolutely!" is possible.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • The impact of poorly written email
  • The nuances of establishing your digital dress code
  • Effective subject lines
  • Limiting the amount of information communicated in a single message
  • How to communicate informally, while still being professional
  • Establishing a framework within your team or organization for how to communicate calls to action

Who Will Benefit:

  • Anyone

Speaker Profile
Melissa Esquibel specializes in transforming those confused by technology into empowered users of their software tools. As a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) with more than 30 years in business application technology, Melissa has a unique ability to make learning programs enjoyable AND valuable. Melissa's consulting career spans banking, manufacturing, telecommunications, energy and insurance, which allows her to provide real-world examples and applications. She has enabled everyone from rocket scientists to real estate brokers to put the "productive" back in office productivity software. Melissa graduated summa cum laude from Strayer University with a Bachelor of Business Administration, majoring in Legal Studies.

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