In this workshop we’ll explore how leaders can engage their respective teams in addressing both the short-term business challenges as well as the longer-term growth needs.
Why you should Attend:
In a constantly shifting business landscape, it can be hard sometimes to focus and stay engaged. This workshop is for people looking to develop their leadership potential by focusing on their daily habits. The course is based on Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People model and provides attendees an opportunity to look at both their personal mission (private victory) as well as public victories (collaborating well with others). The course will also draw on Brene Brown’s work on the relationship between courage and vulnerability and will help attendees understand what it means to “fully show up” to work each day.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- How to build and use a personal mission statement to provide more focus
- Knowing the range of choices (from poor to powerful) you have in any situation
- Explaining the connection between vulnerability and courage
- Choosing abundance over scarcity thinking
- How to improve skills to promote better collaborate with colleagues across the organization
- How to "sharpen my saw" and build personal resilience
Who Will Benefit: