In this webinar, we will explore how to navigate a common issue faced by many employers, an employee's request for accommodation.
The topic of accommodation will be broadly explored and the focus will be on the employer's legal obligations and duties. The webinar will conclude with a discussion of common issues and strategies for addressing these common issues that occur when employees require accommodation.
Why you should Attend:
While requests for accommodation are becoming more and more common, employers often meet such requests with understandable concern and apprehension and questioning exactly what they are required to do.
In this webinar, we will explore what the duty to accommodate really means, an employer's legal obligations and strategies for addressing common issues that arise in the accommodation process. This webinar is perfect for anyone confronted with requests for accommodation, concerned with exactly what their legal duty requires, and seeking to balance their duties under the law with the operational needs of the business.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- What is Accommodation
- The Types of Accommodation
- The Legal Test
- Undue Hardship
- Your Procedural and Substantive Duties
- Supporting Documentation
- Common Issues
Who Will Benefit:
- Human Resource Professionals
- Disability Case Managers
- Managers