This webinar will help you develop assertive skills to deal with even the most challenging people. Identify the differences between assertive, aggressive, and non-assertive communication learn tips to maintain assertiveness, and set limits on people who invade boundaries or communicate with disrespect.
Using effective communication is vital to getting along with others. Unfortunately, there are often no commonly understood guidelines of what is effective communication, and many people lack insight into how they really come across. This interactive presentation offers the keys to communicating where everyone wins!
Participants will learn to differentiate between hearing and listening and learn tips to deal with difficult people. Deal with conflict to achieve a win-win situation where everyone comes out on top! Understand the reasons behind difficult behavior, and how to make sure the difficult person is not you! Learn tips to promote positivity, gratitude, and kindness in the workplace.
Why you should Attend:
People can be challenging at times, and this webinar will offer practical tips to cope with even the most difficult person.
Learn to communicate assertively with tact and finesse regardless of how difficult someone can be! Appreciate the importance of non-verbal communication and learn tips to convey your thoughts and feelings in a respectful way that respects your rights and the rights of others.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Identify the three main types of communication - Assertive, Non-Assertive, and Aggressive
- Learn how to communicate assertively and stand up for your rights no matter how aggressively someone acts
- Become familiar with "I" statements and use them instead of using "You" statements
- Focus on the importance of non-verbal communication
- Use active listening instead of just listening
- Learn how healthy thinking leads to healthy communication
- Identify personal rights and responsibilities
- Learn the four goals and reasons for difficult behavior
- How to identify if you are the difficult one!
- Appreciate the importance of gratitude, empathy, and forgiveness
Who Will Benefit:
- Anyone Wanting to Improve their Communication Skills