Job aids, also known as work instructions, are documents that resemble SOPs, but their content, use and training are different than those for SOPs.
Learning how to utilize Job Aids to drive consistent job performance is a vital skill if you are charged with creating them or training others using them. In this webinar, you will learn the main characteristics of Job Aids, how to develop them, and use them effectively in the pharmaceutical environment. Likewise, you will learn about their companion documents, skill checks, and how these are used to qualify individuals to perform tasks independently.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Document hierarchies and Job Aids
- Purpose and use of Job Aids
- Development of Job Aids
- Use of Job Aids in training
- Job Aids and skill checks
- Qualifying others to deliver Job Aid training
Who Will Benefit:
- Pharmaceutical Supply Chain (Both Corporate and Manufacturing Facilities)
- Quality Assurance
- Documentation
- And Training (People Managers and Individual Contributors)