Organizations need to evaluate their leadership culture.
Organizations need to evaluate their leadership culture. They need to think about how they set the tone and develop leaders who lead from a holistic, human-centered approach that incorporates the personal and practical needs of work. This program will cover key metrics that can measure the volume, quality as well as credibility of leadership development in the organization
Why you should Attend:
CEOs are deeply sensitive to the fact that their most crucial group of workers particularly highly skilled specialists and future leaders may leave for a better experience at a competitor, change career paths, or even take a break from the workforce due to burnout. Having a measurable plan for leadership development and succession management is crucial for organizational sustainability. By attending this program, attendees will be able to shift their focus from "activity" to "outcome" focused HR Metrics for leadership development and succession management. This can help you in improving effectiveness and credibility of succession management plan.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Leadership Development Metrics
- Leadership Quality Metrics
- Career Growth Metrics
- Succession Coverage Metrics
- Succession Readiness Metrics
Who Will Benefit:
- Board Directors
- C-suite
- Line Manager